Did you know:

With MyBusinessHub.net Hosted
Services, users can work on the
same file from two different
offices at the same time.  Even
if they are in different cities. 



Frequently Asked Questions about Hosted Services?

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Table of Contents

  1. How do I sign up for Hosted Services?
  2. How do I get technical suppor?
  3. Will my accountant or bookkeeper have access to my data?
  4. Who is Hosted Services good for?
  5. What is Hosted Services?
  6. When is a good time to sign up for Hosted Services?

How do I sign up for Hosted Services ?

To get started, you should have a few pieces of information handy.

  1. Know if your company is a current Quickbooks user and which version you are currently on.

  2. Know how many users you want to have simultaneously connected to login and run programs.

      You pay for the number of user accounts you want connected at any one time.  More than one

      person can use the same sign-on name (not recommended), just not at the same time.

  3. Decide which programs a user would need to run while logged in.  We bill for the number of users

      and the number of programs these users have access to when they are logged in.

Once you have answers to these three questions, call us at 423-629-9500 so we can get you onboard.

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How do I get technical support?

You can get technical support by calling us at 423-629-9500 or by downloading our instant Remote Support application.  It is free to download and install, with no obligation to use it once installed.  Click here to begin downloading.  Once installed, you will be prompted to provide some info about yourself and your issue.  A technician will connect and fix your issue while you watch.  Calls are handled and dispatched on a first come, first served basis.

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Will my accountant or bookkeeper have access to my data?

As a courtesy to our clients, we allow them to designate one complimentary account that we will give free-of-charge to their accountant or bookkeeper.  This insures that the professional services you need from them can be performed without delay and provides exposure of Hosted Services to them.  We would hope to make them fans of our product and aquire more of their clients.  You have total control over who has access to your data, so if you decide to change accountants or bookkeeper, you can notify us and have their access to your data removed.

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Who is Hosted Services a good fit for?

Hosted Services is idea for business owners that want to insure their data is safe, backed up and highly available.  It allows businesses that are located in multiple buildings, cities or states to be connected to the same thing at the same time.  It is also great for accountants and bookkeepers because they can support their clients accounting needs more efficiently by cutting down on travel to and from clients.  Finally, franchisors have become raving fans because they can structure every application a new frinchisee needs to get running and can insure a consistent roleout eveytime.

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What is Hosted Services?

Hosted services is the future of software application management and deployment.  Simply put, it is logging onto another network to access your programs and data.  It is safe and removes the burdens of being an IT tech to run your business.  Now you just log in and run the programs you need.  If your pc crashes, no problem.  Just replace and re-connect.  Its that simple.  Plus if you or your employees travel, you all can have access to the same data, just as if you where in the office.

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When is a good time to sign up for Hosted Services?

Anytime is a good time, but typically we see clients switch to Hosted Services between May through November.  This allows them to have good communication with their accountant outside of their busy season.

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